Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Pollution Prevention ( P2 ) - 1750 Words

Introduction Pollution is the contamination of air, soil, or water by the release of harmful substances. Pollution prevention (P2) is to diminish or eradicate the pollutant at the source, for source reduction, (e.g. the dry cleaning and hydraulic fracturing industries). P2 happens when raw materials, water, energy and other resources are utilized more efficiently, when less harmful substances are substituted for hazardous ones, and when toxic substances are eliminated from the production process (Ashby, 2013). Dry Cleaning Points According to Sinshelmer, Grout, Namkoong, Gottlieb, Latif (2007), states that 85% of all dry cleaners operating within the United States uses Perchloroethylene (PCE) as the foremost cleaning agent in the†¦show more content†¦Ecologically, professional wet cleaning verified to be an energy proficient, nontoxic, zero-emission technology that eradicates harmful air emissions, menacing waste production, and the possibility for soil and groundwater contamination. It has shown that those cleaners who had switched to professional wet cleaning were able to continue the same service while maintaining their customer base, in addition to lowering operating costs. These dry cleaners were capable to convert to professional wet cleaning without an enormous of strain or effort and conveyed great approval as professional wet cleaner. Granted, the effects point towards that professional wet cleaning is a feasible alternative for dry cleaning, it is imperative to think through the circumstances, which the dry cleaners assessed converted to professional wet cleaning (Sinshelmer, Grout, Namkoong, Gottlieb, Latif, 2007). Sinshelmer, Grout, Namkoong, Gottlieb, Latif (2007), states that the Professional Wet Cleaning Demonstration Project was created to aid in the start of this nontoxic technology in the Los Angeles region. It is highly improbable that the dry cleaners assessed would have been as prosperous, or converted at all, without the demonstration project. ThisShow MoreRelatedPreparing A Pollution Prevention Audit1215 Words   |  5 Pageseco-audit case study will identify, for the purpose, to prepare a pollution prevention audit aimed at portable space heaters. Each pollution prevention audit should be conducted in accordance with a written plan and could be designed to identify and prevent problems and to improve compliance with statutes, regulations, permits, and orders (Ashby, 2013). As a way to enhance pollution protection and quality, endorsement of a Pollution Prevention Audit Act is critical. 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